Crafting Coffee Excellence

At Amano Cafe, we are passionate about crafting exceptional coffee experiences for the go-getters of downtown Toronto and travellers passing through Union Station.

Our journey began with a simple goal: to provide a haven of convenience and quality. Amano Cafe has partnered with Barocco Coffee to feature award-winning, farm-fresh coffee that has earned its place among the best in Canada and Toronto and is trusted by Michelin Star restaurants for its excellence.

Each morning, our skilled artisans handcraft delectable desserts to accompany your coffee, creating moments of delight amidst the daily hustle. Amano Cafe is where convenience meets Italian-inspired elegance, elevating your daily routine one sip at a time. Welcome to our coffee oasis in the heart of Toronto. Taste the difference, embrace the convenience, and savour the experience at Amano Cafe.